Overcoming obstacles leadership

Jared GreerFounder / President of Overcoming Obstacles
Jared is a youth ministry and American Ninja Warrior veteran! He was a youth pastor for 12 years and has competed on the show 4 times. He competed recently on Season 17 and was featured as the “Trick Shot Ninja”! He is married to the love of his life, Sally, and has 2 sons – Micah and Bennett. He has his BA in Christian Studies with an emphasis in Pastoral Ministry from East Texas Baptist University. He loves trying to use every opportunity to share the love of Jesus with the world. He started Overcoming Obstacles Ministries with the help of his church and friends in 2016. It became a 501c3 non-profit in 2017 and is now operating strong reaching thousands with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Jared is based in Grandview, TX.
board of directors
Overcoming Obstacles is led by Jared Greer along with a board of directors who help guide the vision of the organization and keep the mission and vision focused and effective. The members of our board of directors are listed below:
Overcoming obstacles staff team

Jon StemVice President of Ministry & Operations
Along with being part of the OO team, Jon serves at Claremore Assembly of God in Claremore, Oklahoma, as the Associate Pastor. Previously, he served as the Youth Pastor for 13 years. He has his BA in Preaching and Evangelism from Central Bible College and an MA in Theological Studies from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. He has competed on American Ninja Warrior 2 times along with World Finals for multiple ninja leagues. Jon was also a competitor on Season 1 of Mr. Beast’s BEASTGAMES show! Jon grew up in Alaska and Mongolia, where his parents were full-time missionaries! Jon’s dad, Jim, has also competed on American Ninja Warrior!

Jen StemSocial Media Manager
Jen serves as the Overcoming Obstacles Social Media Manager along with serving at Claremore Assembly of God in Claremore, Oklahoma, where she leads the music ministry along with other creative arts elements within the church. Jen has her BA in Bible & Theology from Central Bible College in Springfield, MO. Jen and her husband, Jon, have 2 precious kids, Josiah & JJ.

Abby BellMinistry Assistant / Donor Relations
Abby has been training for ninja warrior for several years now, and she was recently a competitor on season 16 of American Ninja Warrior! She works part-time at her church in Claremore, OK, she is part of the OO staff team, and she is currently attending Nelson University, where she is pursuing a double-major in both Youth/Student Ministries along with Human Services. Abby is a huge animal lover – especially her dog Finn. She loves to run, enjoys a good iced coffee, and loves to encourage people that, through Christ, they can overcome any obstacle they face in life!

Kendall OrtezCourse Builder / Facilitator
Kendall brings so much energy and life to everything he does. He also beats most of us on the course on a regular basis! Kendall has competed two times on American Ninja Warrior and has advanced to the National Finals in Las Vegas in Season 11. Kendall is a full-time Car Interior Repair Man. But in reality – Kendall is a FULL-TIME Ninja! Kendall is based in Dallas, TX, and is available to facilitate a ninja experience at your event.